NEW MEMBER-Atty or Judge Membership *Plus* Courthouse Badge

$100.00 for 1 year

Category: Tag:


– All attorneys and judges admitted to practice more than (5) five years.

– PLUS –

– Courthouse Access Card

Don’t get stuck waiting in line at the courthouse!

If you currently have a BCBA courthouse access card that allows you into the courthouse via the card reader, the courthouse access card fee will assure that your card remains active.
If you lost your previous access card or if this is your first BCBA courthouse access card, you will need to have your photo taken and your new courthouse access card printed at the Viera courthouse.
Remember! A valid BCBA courthouse access card must be read by the card reader at the courthouse.
By including the courthouse access badge to your membership, you agree to the following:

1. I certify that I am currently a member in good standing of The Florida Bar and the Brevard County Bar Association (BCBA) I further certify that, as a condition of issuance of a courthouse access card:

2. I will not allow anyone else to utilize my courthouse access card to gain access to any Brevard County courthouse or for any other purpose;

3. I will not bring articles prohibited by any statute, ordinance, administrative regulation or policy of the State of Florida or Brevard County, its officers, employees or agents, into any Brevard courthouse or cause anyone else to do so; and I will not bring any weapon or firearm into any Brevard County courthouse or cause anyone else to do so, and I consent to a weapons search of my person or possessions by security or court personnel as requested.

♦I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the BCBA, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action and attorney’s fees and costs through appeal arising out of (or in connection with) the issuance, use, misuse or loss of my courthouse access card.

♦I further agree that, in the event any claim or action is brought against the BCBA, its officers, directors, employees or agents (individually or collectively), as a result of my violation of the terms and conditions of this application, I will accept the tender of the defense of this claim or action or be responsible for the defense of such claim or action until its final conclusion, including an appeal.

♦I understand and agree that any violation of the foregoing conditions will result in the automatic loss of all courthouse access card privileges, and I will immediately surrender my courthouse access card to the BCBA. I may not reapply for another courthouse access card for one (1) year from the date of surrender.

♦I understand that the courthouse access cards are issued under the authority and control of the Brevard County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, and (unless inactivated) are valid for one (1) year expiring on August 31st annually.