“Fire & Ice” Holiday Party

Ember & Oak 712 East New Haven Ave., Melbourne, FL, United States

2024 BCBA Holiday Party - SOLD OUT! Our party is SOLD OUT, however, you can still participate by  giving back through our charitable hygiene drive! BCBA Gives Back - Charitable…

Free – $75.00

2nd Annual Moving for Moore Justice

Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Memorial Park 2180 Freedom Ave., Mims, FL, United States

Please join us at this year's "Moving for Moore Justice" event! Come take a walk around the park, enjoy a light breakfast and then hear a historical presentation by the…


BCBA Trivia Night

The Backyard 5270 N. US Hwy 1, #3140, Melbourne, FL, United States

Put on your thinking caps & outwit your fellow Bar members, while raising funds for Brevard County Legal Aid!! Tickets Teams of 8 - $350 Individual - $40 *Let us…